Should I Talk to an Injury Lawyer Before the Insurance Adjuster?

After a car accident, it is important to talk to an experienced personal injury lawyer before speaking with the insurance company. Insurance companies will behave much differently if they know you have legal representation on your side. If they know you are working alone, you can expect the insurance company to do everything they can to build a case against you. Having an injury lawyer to protect your legal rights could make a significant difference in whether you secure a fair settlement for your injury claim.

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The personal injury lawyers at Contigo Centro Legal work every day to fight big insurance companies on behalf of injured individuals and their families. Our lawyers offer some helpful advice below to help you avoid making mistakes after your car accident and to explain why you should not talk to an insurance adjuster without the help of a personal injury attorney. If you have been injured in a car accident because of another person’s negligence, the attorneys at Contigo Centro Legal provide free case evaluations. We charge no upfront fees to review your case and determine if you have a claim against the negligent driver’s insurance company.

Important Steps to Take After You are Injured in an Accident

1.       Seek medical attention immediately. The most important step to take after being injured in a car accident is to seek medical treatment from a health care professional as soon as possible. If you wait too long to seek medical treatment, it could hurt the value of your insurance claim. Insurance companies could use delayed medical treatment as a reason for denying your claim or offering much less compensation that what you deserve. A medical evaluation will tell you how serious your injuries are and how much treatment you will require now and in the future. Having this information will inform the amount of compensation our attorneys will work to recover for you.

2.       Collect information about the car accident. Damages, or the costs associated with your injuries, must be proven with physical evidence. The insurance company will not believe you without having supporting documentation that proves your injuries. Be sure to collect all the information you can from the accident scene. If possible, collect information about the driver who cause the accident, including the driver’s:

  • Name.

  • Insurance company information.

  • License and plate number.

  • Address and telephone number.

Take photos of the accident scene and your car. If you suffered injuries, be sure to photograph them too. If there were witnesses, gather their names and telephone numbers.

Collect information from the police officer who responded to the accident, including the officer’s name, whether the officer is making a report and the report number. You will also need to have all documents that relate to your accident and injuries, including:

  • Police report.

  • Any other accident reports.

  • Medical bills and receipts.

  • Vehicle repair costs.

  • Any documents reporting your injuries.

  • Any other related expenses.

3.       Do not talk to the other driver’s insurance company or sign anything. Insurance companies employ claims adjusters. The insurance adjuster for the other driver’s insurance company represents the insurance company’s interests – not yours! Do not give a recorded statement if the other driver’s insurance adjuster asks you to do so. If you make a mistake with your statements, you could lose significant compensation for your injuries. Instead, let your personal injury lawyer handle all communication with the insurance adjusters and lawyers from the other side. Also, do not sign any insurance forms without speaking with your lawyer! The personal injury lawyers at Contigo Centro Legal are experienced at handling car accident claims and know what to say, and what not to say, when dealing with insurance companies.

4.       Hire an attorney. There are many benefits to hiring a personal injury attorney to handle your car accident claim. An experienced attorney can help build a strong case against the driver responsible for your injuries and can help determine the full value of your claim. And, an attorney has knowledge of the law and how to take the steps necessary to protect your legal rights. At Contigo Centro Legal, we offer free consultations, which means you pay nothing upfront for our attorneys to review your case and determine if you have a claim against the negligent driver. Having an experienced attorney on your side shows the insurance company you are serious and will fight for the compensation you deserve.

Common Tactics Used by Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are known for using tactics to devalue or deny injury claims. It is important to be aware of these tactics so that avoid doing something that could hurt your injury claim.

One common tactic insurance adjusters use is contacting you immediately after you are injured in an accident. They do this to get you to say something that might hurt your claim before you have a chance to speak to an attorney and learn about your legal rights and options. The insurance adjuster will seem friendly and may even try to convince you that hiring an attorney is unnecessary. They know that without legal representation, they can offer you much less compensation than what you are owed for your injuries.

Another tactic insurance adjusters often use is to get you to provide a written or recorded statement; however, you are not required by law to do this. It is in your best interests to tell the insurance adjuster that your attorney will be handling all communication on your behalf.

Insurance companies are also known for using social media to gather information about you and the status of your injury. It is best to avoid posting anything on social during the time you are filing a claim so that the insurance company cannot use anything you post against you. The insurance adjuster could use a social media post to say that your injuries are not severe, and therefore your injury claim should be denied or the value of your claim should be reduced.

Insurance companies will always attempt to pay you the minimum compensation possible for your injuries. They will send a check soon after the accident, but it will likely be a small percentage of the compensation you are entitled to receiving for your injuries. Bottom line: An insurance company will pay you significantly less money if you are not represented by an attorney.

It is critical to know that if you cash the insurance check, you are waiving your rights to additional compensation and further legal action.  What if your injuries reveal themselves several months after the accident and you need medical care? Is the insurance company going to cover your medical expenses if you already cashed the check? No. To protect yourself after an accident, consult with an injury attorney before even considering cashing an insurance check.

If you accept payment from the insurance company, you also will be asked to sign a release. If you sign the release, you cannot bring any additional claims for the accident in which you were injured. You will also bar yourself from ever receiving additional compensation for your injuries. There are simply no second chances after signing a release. Once you sign a release, the case is over. You are agreeing that the money you received satisfies the claim and any other claims you may want to bring in the future. To be safe and ensure your legal rights are protected, never sign any documents from the insurance company without consulting an injury lawyer.

Contact Contigo Centro Legal for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident because of someone else’s negligence, contact Contigo Centro Legal as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Determining the value of your injury claim can be difficult without the help of a personal injury lawyer. The lawyers at Contigo Centro Legal will know how to properly evaluate the cause of your accident, your medical expenses and the insurance policies involved.  We know navigating the legal system is difficult, so let our attorneys get to work for you to pursue justice and compensation on your behalf.

We offer free consultations, which means you pay nothing to have our attorneys evaluate your case and determine your legal options. We charge no upfront fees, and you pay nothing if we do not win your case. Contact us today at 816-800-8000 or

Neeli Langdon